Using Oauth outside of the webapp domain

Recently at work we had a R&D day during which Josh Benham and I worked on a cli interface to github.

We knew immediately that we didn’t want to use basic auth, obviously preferring the oauth library which is significantly more secure, but upstream requiring a callback uri is very impractical in the case that you don’t have one available.

The solution in the end wasn’t as complex as I thought it would be. Basically, I wrote a webservice that the client connects to, which gives it a unique URL. We then use the URL we’re given as a redirect URL.

At this stage it’s realistically only sensible to use it as a proof of concept, as it gives you the token in plaintext and doesn’t have SSL.

For version 2 I’d like to export the SSL to the client, and merely relay the encrypted packets. I’d also like to have the whole thing http encapsulated, for now synchronicity complaints (and if we’re honest, the fact that I just wanted the damn thing working) meant that I wrote it with a vaguely flawed thread spawning model and not a lot of protection against DDoS attacks.

If none of this scares you off though, it’s currently running at

The procedure is:

Connect on port 2000
recieve your 128 byte callback ID
Send[callback ID] as your callback ID to the oauth endpoint
recieve your token from the original connection

Call it a day!

Source is on my github account

About richo

Flying, coffee, computer stuff.
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